Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Cynefin Framework - Breakthrough in Organizational Science?

"Cynefin" Welsh for "Habitat" of "home", is a framework that in my opinion is like no other can typify and communicate situations. The beauty of the framework is that it is not a glorification of nor aversion to a specific methodology. The framework doesn't describe the ideal organization. And, the framework can handly the dynamics of the situation.

I've been educated with all sorts of business models and theories. It has been a long time that I saw something like this: this is a beautiful framework!

Concept Self Declaration ISO21500 for appproval to ISO-NEN Standard Commission

André Legerman and I worked hard on the Self Declaration ISO21500 the past month. Today we finalized the last input from the Interessegroep ISO voor Projecten and presented it in todays meeting.

The Self Declaration ISO21500 is now on its way for approval to the  NEN-ISO Norm Commissie voor Projecten. Kind of bureaucratic, on the other hand ...

ISO21500 is a guideline for Project Management. Apart from being internationally accepted, also the Dutch chapters of PMI and IMPA have embraced ISO21500.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Guest Lecture on Caluwé - Day 2

For the past few years I give a guest lecture on the Color Theory of Caluwé at the university of Maastricht.
It is an interesting theme, especially because it is a highly interactive guest lecture.

interactive = experiments = not everything works = lots to learn

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Action Triggering Status Reports

Today a friend called and asked how I was doing. It turned out he needed to get some frustration from his chest. The project he is involved in, is going nowhere.

It happens to be a habit in his organization to either do nothing or to write an extensive progress report. Doing nothing was for him no longer an option. But writing an extensive progress report, that is another story.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

3.0 Consultant???

What I believe makes a 3.0 Consultant different from other types of consultants evolves around the concepts: interactive, flexible and cohesion.

To picture the context in which a 3.0 Consultant is of most value:
  • A solution is desirable / is a necessity
  • All the known has been tried or rejected
    • too expensive, too time consuming, doesn't feel good, too uncertain, too little support
  • Multiple disciplines/silos/stakeholders are involved
In short, standard solutions are as usefull as a hammer to drive in a screw. A big hammer, a small screw-thread and plenty of force will probably work. However, this is not the 3.0 Consultant way.

Monday, March 18, 2013